Why you should digitize?

ESG assumes the key role in the strategic orientation of the real estate industry. With the digital transformation of your portfolio, your ESG aspects can not only be identified, but you also increase your chances of return and at the same time make an important contribution to reducing your CO2 footprint. With the right ESG key figures, you create the basis for sustainable building management and illuminate both the ecological and the social aspects in order to correctly measure, benchmark and control your portfolio in every phase of the life cycle.

50% of the costs of a property do not arise in the construction phase, but during the operation of a property. The greatest potential for savings therefore lies in the optimization of building operation and the associated work processes. The data source for these work processes is always the property itself. The key to optimized building operation is making this data digitally usable. You can benefit from effective and sustainable workflows and at the same time reduce your real estate costs with an average of 25% resource recovery in asset management.

Work together with your business partners on the basis of one and the same data source – in a digital building twin. Bring transparency and clarity to your processes and gain valuable time and effectiveness through SSOT (Single Source of Truth).

Your property – your data. Avoid unnecessary and cost-intensive loss of information and remain independent of your service provider’s personal third-party knowledge. You remain in control of your property’s data via common interfaces and can share any information with service providers, business partners and tenants at the push of a button.

You have access to up-to-date building and plan data for your property from anywhere, from any device and around the clock. Stay flexible and always keep track of all processes related to real estate operations.

Make faster and better decisions for the right investments. With a digital building twin (Digital Twin), you have access to reliable building data and the necessary facts for the strategic further development and increase in value of your real estate portfolio at any time.

Make your building data measurable and create the basis for the potential of Big Data & IoT and benefit from the advantages of the new digital technologies.

Increase the market value of your property through digital data transparency with a 3D building twin (Digital Twin). Increase your chances of selling, reach more prospects and achieve higher sales prices.

We digitize your sales properties with guaranteed quality and you don’t pay anything for it at first. We make advance payments for you until you successfully sell your property.

You want to buy a property? The purchase price is primarily defined by the base and rental areas, even the smallest deviations have a major effect on the property value. Don’t rely on outdated floor plans and space data. Over 80% of the existing properties have incorrect area information. Bring the necessary transparency and precision into your purchasing process and work with our digital status quo analysis, with up-to-date plan and space data.

ESG-compliant real estate management with guaranteed benefits
over the entire life cycle of your real estate portfolio

Data available from anywhere and around the clock 24/7

Precise budget and cash flow planning

Fast data exchange with business partners

Reliable and up-to-date area calculations

Your property in an interactive 3D BIM viewer

Regular update of your real estate data

Energetic building evaluation and planning of measures

Savings from regular re-measurements

Faster due diligence processes

Reliable and up-to-date area calculations

Building areas, dimensions and masses at the push of a button

Increased employee and tenant satisfaction

Digital market presence
of your real estate

Average 25% resource savings in asset management

Simplified quoting and billing

Up-to-date building data as a basis for strategically correct decisions

Access to current floor plan and planning data for renovations, conversions, modernizations and demolition at any time

Sustainable and efficient workflowsthrough digitization & Reduction of the CO2 footprint of your property

Data basis for transparent and flexible working models

Digital room and space management

Overview about
all inspection and maintenance intervals

Virtual property inspections AR & VR Ready

Status quo analysis of your real estate

& Investors

Both for the real estate portfolio and for new construction projects – starting with the digitization of old paper plans, via the 3D SCAN, to the creation of a BIM model and an interactive 3D building twin (digital twin) – we digitize your property and make your building data digitally measurable.
With a BIM model of your property, you lay the foundation for optimized and effective work processes in asset, property and facility management

the entire life cycle of your property. You can also use our online platform, which enables real estate owners and real estate operators to edit their existing properties together with service providers and business partners via digital and intelligent 3D building twins on a user-oriented online interface and to exchange information with each other in a targeted manner. The interaction of data and 3D building models (BIM) creates a completely new type of cooperation structure and efficiency for building operation.

This is exactly where our work begins, because 70% of the costs of your property only arise during building operation. ​How digital is your property? – Don’t get left behind, take advantage of digital technologies! Start now and discover the advantages and benefits of AI, blockchain and IoT and work with your own digital real estate portfolio at any time, from anywhere and from any device on our platform.

Get an Estimate

Get an estimate - simply send us your documents via our direct "Data Upload" and receive an individual and free offer. Do you have any questions or you would like to have a free consultation – just give us a call.

T: +49 3098517905 T: +49 16093541978

T: +49 16093603615

M: info@immorise.com

Kemperplatz 1, Sony Center
10785 Berlin