Digitales LifeCycle Management

At the heart of the immorise platform is your digital 3D real estate portfolio as a central data hub for asset and property management over the entire life cycle of your real estate. Via our collaboration platform with individual role concepts and 3D task management, we provide you and your business partners with up-to-date building and plan data via Sharelink, in a multifunctional 3D online viewer, 24/7. Analyze your real estate portfolio, discover the potential and simulate energetic modernization and conversions for the strategically correct decisions. You can also create 3D stacking plans for your tenant management including 3D tours and visualization of any tenant improvements for prospective tenants.

Professionalize your due diligence processes with a 3D building twin and increase your real estate value with transparent data and precise areas and detailed room data at the push of a button. With our integrated document management, our platform offers location-independent access to all building data at any time, bundled in one place – Single Source of Truth (SSOT) and is therefore the decisive factor for increasing the efficiency of your real estate processes. Compare your real estate KPIs with the average values of your portfolio and the market. Thanks to our cloud solution, our platform can be used without any additional installation and can also be connected to your ERP system with open API interfaces.

Get an Estimate

Get an estimate - simply send us your documents via our direct "Data Upload" and receive an individual and free offer. Do you have any questions or you would like to have a free consultation – just give us a call.

T: +49 3098517905 T: +49 16093541978

T: +49 16093603615


Kemperplatz 1, Sony Center
10785 Berlin